Ro and Sandy's Podcast

On our podcast, we have real conversations about life as mothers, wives, career women, friends, daughters you name it. We allow ourselves to be vulnerable and we invite you to be vulnerable with us. The goal is to share our journey with you as we navigate the everyday ups and downs of this beautiful glorious thing called life.

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Saturday Mar 20, 2021

In this episode, we converse with Tabitha Mpamira about generational trauma and finding the courage to interrupt the cycle of silence, abuse and toxicity passed down from generation to generation. Our conversation is based on her powerful TedX talk "Trauma not transformed is Trauma Transferred". Tabitha is a mental health therapist, activist, motivational speaker, and consultant on sexual and gender-based violence.

Thursday Jan 14, 2021

Do you find that people take advantage of you? Are you constantly "saving" people or fixing their problems? How do you separate your feelings from another's feelings? Most of us find it difficult to set healthy boundaries consistently yet boundaries are critical to healthy relationships. In this episode, we discuss what healthy boundaries are and why they are important. Respecting and accepting boundaries are a sign of emotional health and self-respect. They should be honoured and celebrated!

Looking back

Wednesday Dec 16, 2020

Wednesday Dec 16, 2020

What is the most difficult realization you made when you became an adult and more aware of the world that changed how you viewed life? How did you deal with that realization? How did it change you? In this episode we delve into those things that no one told you about or if they did, you didn't get it until you experienced it. And how those experiences change you and your relationships. We also take a look at this past year, the best and the worst bits, and what we are looking forward to in 2021.

How are you doing, really?

Wednesday Nov 25, 2020

Wednesday Nov 25, 2020

With all the stuff going on around us, it can feel like it's just too much. In this episode, we check in with each other and with our listeners and ask the question, "how are you doing, really"? As women, it's our nature to get into survival mode during periods of crisis and to focus on the wellbeing of others. We unintentionally neglect ourselves until it's almost too late. Take a moment and ask yourself how you are doing. Pay attention to your emotions and get help if you need it...for your sake.

You are not your diagnosis!

Wednesday Nov 11, 2020

Wednesday Nov 11, 2020

In this episode, we get personal and share our experiences of living with autoimmune conditions. It's not been an easy journey to say the least. We share the lessons learnt and wisdom gained along the way. Autoimmune conditions may be lifelong experiences but they are not life sentences. They do not define who you are! Understanding your condition and how it affects you will help you know how to advocate for yourself. By changing your mindset and lifestyle habits, you can live a long, healthy life.

Friendships Part 2

Thursday Oct 29, 2020

Thursday Oct 29, 2020

"Find a group of people who will challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them and it will change your life." - Amy Poehler. Do you have a tribe? In this podcast, we discuss the concept of group friendships as we reflect on the dynamics of our own tribe and why it is important for us to be a part of it. We also discuss male female friendships. Can you have a strictly platonic relationship with a person of the opposite gender, especially if you are married or in a committed relationship?

Friendships Part 1

Monday Oct 12, 2020

Monday Oct 12, 2020

"Friendship isn't a big thing, it's a million little things." Paulo Coelho. In this podcast episode, we chat about our friendship and what friendships mean to us. We know that the basis of a good friendship is loyalty, respect, trust and being present but what does it REALLY mean to be a good friend? We discuss the concept of "BFF" and whether it's necessary to categorize friendships. And what happens when you lose a friend? Do you try to "fix things" or just let it go? 

Living in the new normal

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020

In this inaugural episode, we discuss the new normal of living with COVID including the anxiety of sending our kids back to school. Parents everywhere dread the day their children leave the nest and step into the world to start living their lives independently. Ro talks about the emotional experience of letting her oldest child leave the nest to start a new chapter in her young life. We also talk about what we want our podcast will be; authentic, honest, without the fluff! Enjoy the episode!


Monday Sep 28, 2020

Monday Sep 28, 2020

Wondering what our podcast is about? Well, here is the trailer! We'll be having real conversations about life as we know it and as we experience it every single day as multifaceted women. Life is a wondrous, beautiful thing, but sometimes it's hard to see its beauty. And that is ok. But let's talk about it! We want this to be a space where we can be vulnerable with each other and with our audience as we figure it all out. So join us! We'd love to take this journey with you. 

Get to know Ro and Sandy!

Wednesday Sep 23, 2020

Wednesday Sep 23, 2020

We recorded this short introductory episode on a whim and had such a blast doing it! We just knew that it was meant to be and there was no turning back. We hope you join us on this journey. 

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